Tag: information
The Unavoidable Cost Of Computation Revealed
Some quotes (mostly mine) from the discussion on the everything list http://groups.google.com/group/everything-list/t/aea1a68dd8286d97 13.03.2012 18:28 Evgenii Rudnyi: Could you please give one example from physics (yet please not a thought experiment) where information allows us to reduce entropy? 13.03.2012 20:09 Brent: http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101114/full/news.2010.606.html 25.03.2012 15:44 Evgenii Rudnyi: I have looked the paper that you have linked. Shoichi Toyabe,…
Entropy and Information
In the modern scientific culture, the statement that the entropy and information are the same things is ubiquitous. For example the famous paper of Edwin T. Jaynes [1] according to Google Scholar [2] has been cited more than 5000 times. The list of books from Prof Gordon [3] about the deep relationship between entropy and…
Books on entropy and information
A list of books from Prof Gordon http://groups.google.com/group/embryophysics/msg/e9229530251b7d58 While I might agree with you on the misuse of “entropy” in biology, many people would disagree with you, as evidenced by the list of books below. Adami, C. & N.J. Cerf (1999). What information theory can tell us about quantum reality. In: Quantum Computing and Quantum…