Tag: Paul Feyerabend

  • Castration Anxiety and Penis Envy

    There is a continuation of The Story of Psychology and I have listened to a wonderful introduction into psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud. Now I have found a page with a short description about Freund written by Dr. C. George Boeree (the podcast is based on this works). http://webspace.ship.edu/cgboer/freud.html For fun: “About the time the little boy recognizes this archetypal…

  • Geoffrey Gorham: Philosophy of Science

    Philosophy of Science: Bolinda Beginner Guides by Geoffrey Gorham. As a printed book: The Philosophy of Science: A Beginner’s Guide The Origin of Science Defining Science The Scientific Method The Aims of Science The Social Dimensions of Science Science and Human Features My impression of the book was quite good. The book is well structured…

  • God as a Cosmic Operator

    I will start with a couple of quotes from the Chapter 2, The Disunity of Science, Paul Feyerabend, The Tyranny of Science “After Newton had found his law of gravitation, he applied it to the moon and to the planets. It seemed that Jupiter and Saturn, when treated in this way, slowly moved away from each…

  • Feyerabend against Science

    In his lectures ‘Theorien der Wahrheit’ Prof Hoenen has considered also Science in a Free Society (Erkenntnis für freie Menschen) by Paul Feyerabend. I got interested as I like Feyerabend. I have found that one of the latest Feyerabend’s book was The Tyranny of Science and I have found in Internet a text. Paul Feyerabend,…