Author: Evgenii Rudnyi

  • Nominalism and Psychologism

    A quote from Frederik Stjernfelt, Natural Propositions: The Actuality of Peirce’s Doctrine of Dicisigns p. 107 “If no universals refer to real structure, then all universals are but labels invented by the human mind. If propositions do not exist in reality they, as well, must be creations of the human mind. … The implication is…

  • Martin Luther on sex and women

    Quotes from Luther on Women: A Sourcebook “Now, alas, it is so hideous and frightful a pleasure that physicians compare it with epilepsy or falling sickness. Thus an actual disease is linked with the very activity of procreation. We are in the state of sin and death; therefore we also undergo this punishment, that we…

  • Ewald Wassiljewitsch Iljenkow

    This is my writing for a German lesson. Ewald Iljenkow war ein der berühmtesten Philosophen der Sowjetunion. 1924 in Smolenks geboren, war er der Liebhaber der deutschen Philosophie. Er lies und studierte Kant, Hegel, Marx und die anderen deutschen Philosophen direkt auf Deutsch. Im zweiten Weltkrieg kämpfte er an der Kriegsfront als Offizier in der…

  • Radical Proof for the Existence of Free Will

    A person denying free will is put into some inquisition tool, say Spanish boot. He is asked: “Do I have free will to stop the torture?”. The answer “Yes” finishes the proof. After “No” the Spanish boot is tightened a bit and the question is repeated. Source: Maarten Hoenen’s lecture on Duns Scotus:

  • Evald Ilyenkov: A Cosmology of the Spirit

    Searching in Internet information about Ilyenkov and his A Cosmology of the Spirit in English, I found a message on Marxism-Thaxis list: Below is the copy of the abstract of Ilyenkov’s work from the link above. Evald Ilyenkov “A Cosmology of the Spirit: An Attempt to Establish in General the Objective Role of Thinking…

  • Depressive views of Jacques Monod

    Lately I have met the name of Jacques Monod several times with respect to his depressive views on nature of mankind. Below is information about him from books and papers that I have read. I. Prigogine and I. Stengers, The new alliance, Scientia 112 (1977) Epigraph to the paper. J. Monod. “The ancient alliance has…

  • Does the World exist?

    From The Empirical Stance (The Terry Lectures Series) by van Fraassen: Lecture 1. Against Analytic Metaphysics 3. Does the World Exist? p. 5 “Doesn’t the answer seem obvious to us? We are all part of this earthly ecosystem, which is part of the solar system, and that is part of the Milky Way galaxy, and…

  • Wissenschaft und Religion

    This is my writing for a German lesson. Auf dem ersten Blick scheinen Wissenschaft und Religion wie Gegner. Die Wissenschaftler behaupten, dass nur sie endgültige Wahrheiten wissen und dass es Gott nicht gibt. Die Kirche meint, dass man ohne Gott keine Moral finden kann. Allerdings, wenn man die Geschichte genauer betrachtet, sieht man viele Ähnlichkeiten…