Tag: Maarten Hoenen

  • Ancient and medieval philosophy

    I have recently listened to lectures by Maarten Hoenen Antike und mittelalterliche Philosophie He has considered in his lectures Plato Aristotle Plotinus Augustine of Hippo Avicenna Anselm of Canterbury Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquinas Meister Eckhart Duns Scotus William of Ockham Nicolaus Cusanus Descartes I have found lectures pretty interesting. They show how Christian philosophers in…

  • Collingwood on Monotheism and Science

    Maarten Hoenen in his fifth lecture on Voraussetzung und Vorurteil has mentioned that Collingwood once compared monotheism with polytheism in respect to influencing  science. According to Collingwood, the modern reductionism (Theory of Everything) is similar to monotheism where everything should be explained through God. I like this thought and below there are some results from my…

  • Absolute Presupposition

    In his lectures ‘Was ist Philosophie?’ Prof Hoenen has discussed R. G. Collingwood and his work Essay on Methaphysics. I like here a lot the term Absolute Presupposition. From Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: “From the mid-thirties onwards Collingwood’s work increasingly engaged in a dialogue with the newly emerging school of analytic philosophy. In An Essay on…

  • Reason, Free Will, and the Big Bang

    I have recently listened to Kontroversen in der Philosophie by Prof Hoenen. One of the controversies there was the question whether the Universe if eternal or not. Recently I have employed the logic from the lectures on the everything list http://groups.google.com/group/t/thread/ba5f90b7e68bccf when there was a comment about determinism. I hope that the dialog below shows that…