Category: misc

  • Love for the Truth

    Jean-André Deluc to Christoph Lichtenberg (1798): “I told you, mon cher Monsieur, that there is no one I prefer to talk physics with than you; because I’ve always seen that like me (if I dare say so) you love physics for itself; which is true of very few people. Some do physics to talk about…

  • On Newton’s World View

    Quotes from David Castillejo, Expanding Force in Newton’s Cosmos. These are quotes from Newton manuscripts. Alchemy “This rod & the male & female serpents joyned in the proportion of 3, 1, 2 compose the three headed Cerberus which keeps the gates of Hell. For being fermented & digested together they resolve & grow dayly more…

  • Martin Luther on sex and women

    Quotes from Luther on Women: A Sourcebook “Now, alas, it is so hideous and frightful a pleasure that physicians compare it with epilepsy or falling sickness. Thus an actual disease is linked with the very activity of procreation. We are in the state of sin and death; therefore we also undergo this punishment, that we…

  • Ewald Wassiljewitsch Iljenkow

    This is my writing for a German lesson. Ewald Iljenkow war ein der berühmtesten Philosophen der Sowjetunion. 1924 in Smolenks geboren, war er der Liebhaber der deutschen Philosophie. Er lies und studierte Kant, Hegel, Marx und die anderen deutschen Philosophen direkt auf Deutsch. Im zweiten Weltkrieg kämpfte er an der Kriegsfront als Offizier in der…

  • Wissenschaft und Religion

    This is my writing for a German lesson. Auf dem ersten Blick scheinen Wissenschaft und Religion wie Gegner. Die Wissenschaftler behaupten, dass nur sie endgültige Wahrheiten wissen und dass es Gott nicht gibt. Die Kirche meint, dass man ohne Gott keine Moral finden kann. Allerdings, wenn man die Geschichte genauer betrachtet, sieht man viele Ähnlichkeiten…

  • On Feminism

    A quote from David Gelernter, America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered In the Obamacrats) p. 145 “In Summer 2006, at an academic meeting, Harvard’s president Lawrence Summers wondered whether the far larger number of male than female scientists might not reflect some built-in property of most men versus most women. He didn’t…

  • Three feet on the floor

    A quote from David Gelernter, America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered In the Obamacrats) “Before the cultural revolution, there were no coed college dormitories with young men and women living in bedrooms on the same flour. Before the cultural revolution, visiting between men and women students on campus was regulated by ‘parietals,’…

  • Galen: Woman is a Mutilated Male

    A quote from Thomas Cahill, Mysteries of the Middle Ages: And the Beginning of the Modern World (Hinges of History) p. 21-22 “The female body, on the other hand, was very deficient. In her mother’s womb, the female had received insufficient heat, so she was softer, more liquid, underdone. Periodic menstruation proved that she as…